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Keys to Understanding Your Projects as an Architect

In the world of architecture and interior design, understanding floor plans is essential for the success of any project. For those not familiar with reading these documents, it may seem like a challenging task. However, we are here to simplify this process and provide our clients with a clearer and more participative experience.

The Plans: An Essential Tool for Effective Communication

The graphic documentation of a project encompasses various types of plans, each playing a crucial role in the understanding and execution of the work. From floor plans to sections, elevations, and perspectives, each element contributes to the precise and detailed visualization of the project. These plans are not only technical tools for professionals but also communication bridges allowing clients to express their needs and preferences effectively.

Optimizing Layout: The Power of Floor Plans

Floor plans are like detailed aerial views of the residence, offering a unique perspective on how spaces will be distributed. We understand that this representation is key to materializing the ideas of architects and interior designers, adapting the layout to the specific needs of our clients. These plans not only visualize the structure in two dimensions but also provide the foundation for more detailed plans related to installations, construction systems, furniture, lighting, and more.

Deciphering Sections: A Deep Insight into the Project

Sections offer a longitudinal or transverse cut of the residence, revealing crucial details such as floor-to-ceiling heights, roof slopes, and other architectural elements. At LaCasa-DasHaus, we recognize the importance of sections in understanding proportions and coordinating heights in relation to human scale and interior design. It is through these detailed representations that ideas take shape, and decisions are made with precision.

Differentiating Elevations and Sections: An Exterior and Interior View

While sections act as X-rays of the interior, elevations provide an exterior view of the project. From the street or garden, elevations capture the final result, highlighting openings, volumes, and exterior materials. We understand that the combination of elevations and sections offers a complete and balanced view of the project from all angles.

Axonometrics: Three-Dimensional Perspectives for Clear Visual Communication

Axonometric perspective, a three-dimensional tool, facilitates agile and visual communication of proposals. We use this technique to present ideas dynamically, showing different angles and orientations through drawing programs. This 3D view allows our clients to visualize the proposal in a more tangible and understandable way.

3D Plans: The Indispensable Additional Dimension

3D plans are essential in any project, offering a three-dimensional representation that enhances the understanding of the design. We integrate 3D distribution plans from preliminary studies to final projects. These plans not only show the spatial arrangement but also reflect the placement of furniture, creating a more detailed and vivid representation of the project.

In summary, at LaCasa-DasHaus real estate in Lloret de Mar, we understand that the key to the success of any project lies in a clear and collaborative understanding of the plans. By offering our clients a detailed and understandable view of their projects, we not only simplify the process but also create a productive connection between the client and our professional team. We are here to make each project a smooth and satisfying experience!